
Ноя 16 UPNET EDM Service Service Refund Statement

UPNET EDM Service Service Refund Statement   UPNET EDM Service is a professional resource platform that provides email sending capabilities for business services. If you are a new user and need to try out the service, please contact our customer service staff or consider ordering a small amount package first.   For subscription or renewal, ... Читать далее »

Ноя 3 中國區價值8億人民幣的IPv4地址被凍結,超600萬個ip地址瞬間失效

非洲網絡信息中心組織Afrinic已從網絡服務供應商Cloud Innovation沒收超過600萬個IP地址,這批IP資源在公開市場的價值超過8億元人民幣。   根據香港IDC行業內信息,Afrinic曾表示其分配的互聯網資源不得在非洲地區以外使用,而一份2020年文件表明,Cloud ... Читать далее »